No more trouble with insurance claims and running around for reimbursement of your health insurance related expenditures. Cashless Insurance facility is offered through Third Party Administrators from almost all Insurance companies. Kindly call if you need further assistance.
You do not have to contact your insurance agent or company. Our corporate desk will take care of all processing requirements. All you need to do is just bring in your Insurance ID card or reference number of the concerned company. Credit facility is given to approved companies if you can get an authorisation letter from your company doctor.
You can also choose to pay by cash, credit card or Banker check and we will arrange to issue the necessary documents for reimbursement later.You simply have to bring your Company issued insurance card and we will get you the requisite forms from our corporate desk. You will need to fill in Part I of the form and we will fill the rest and fax it to your Third Party Administrator for processing. Kindly submit all reports and the first consultation advice also.
Occasionally insurance companies disallow certain expenses from the final bill, although pre-approval is given for a particular amount. Disallowed expenses will need to be settled by the patient. Kindly allow 3 working days for the above procedure to be completed.